How to Save Money for a Car with Low Income

Saving money for a car with a low income can be a daunting task. With careful planning and budgeting, however, you can make it happen. You will need to consider the cost of the car, insurance, taxes, and other expenses associated with owning a car.

There are also several tips and tricks that you can employ to save money when buying a car with limited funds.

By following these steps and strategies, you can save up enough money to purchase your dream car even when living on a tight budget.

Choose the car you’d like to buy

When selecting a car, it’s important to compare a few models and constantly be mindful of your budget. Setting aside 20% for a new car and 10% for a used one is recommended when considering the down payment amount. Doing this will help you get the best deal possible while staying within your means.

Paying a higher down payment can be beneficial when it comes to taking out a loan. It gives you access to better interest rates, more manageable monthly payments, and the assurance that you are getting the best possible deal.


When you are on a low income and want to buy a car, it’s important to create a budget so you can save for your down payment.

To achieve your financial objectives, it’s important to be clear on the amount of money you need to save. Figure out how much you can allocate each week or month.

You may also need to modify your spending habits and cancel subscriptions you no longer use. This will enable you to plan for the future and eventually make your way toward placing your down payment.

Set up a savings account

After you have stuck to a spending plan and saved your money, the next logical step is to find a safe place to deposit it. A separate bank account may be the ideal option as it keeps this fund separate and makes it difficult for you to use the money for anything else.

Automate your savings

Automating your savings is a great way to make sure you are contributing regularly. Many banks provide the option of setting up periodic transfers from your checking to your savings account. This means that you can easily designate a portion of each paycheck to go directly into your savings without having to worry about it. Following this plan will help you to achieve your aim and accumulate sufficient funds to make the initial car payment.

Consider car-related expenses

When owning a car, it’s essential to remember that vehicle insurance is an additional cost, and depending on the state, you may need to obtain a certain level of coverage. Therefore, it’s best to research and determine the desired type and amount of insurance that you are comfortable with, whether it be paid monthly or yearly.

To ensure proper care of your car, it’s crucial to include its maintenance costs in your budget. Find a car that fits within your budget and set aside money for regular maintenance visits. Some manufacturers even offer free maintenance visits when you buy the car!


How To Start Saving Money For A Car | Bankrate

How to Save for a Car – NerdWallet

6 Tips to Save Money with a Low Income

25 Ways to Save Money on a Low Income | SkillsYouNeed